Many of us have a negative connotation of the word 'habits'. Reading James Clear's Atomic Habits has changed my perception of how habits work and how I can build my own habits for success. I'm sharing lessons learned from his book:
Forget about habits, focus on systems.
What systems do you have in place to help you succeed? I like to lay out my exercise clothes and work-from-home clothes every night before bed. I even have my socks and shoes together so all I had to do is put them on when I wakeup. Having this system in place allows me to easily transition into my morning routine without the overwhelming thoughts of what I should wear.
Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. You are your habits and your habits make up your personality. When I started to work on my habit building, reading atomic habits forced me to look at the person that I wanted to be. I had to ask myself - Do my current habits align with the person that I see myself becoming? What habits does this person have? In reflecting on those questions, I was able to change my perception of what a habit is and who I wanted to be.
Reading Atomic Habits has opened my eyes to how I can easily build and nurture my habits for success. With small changes to my daily systems compounding over time, I know I'll be looking in the mirror at the woman you dreamt of.