Monstera can add just the right pop of green to almost any corner of your home. When I first purchased my monstera last summer, I had no idea how they would liven up my space. From planter to propagation, I’m sharing easy ways you can style at home with your monstera.

Meeting Your Monstera
When you first get your monstera, it will most likely be planted a large soli planter. This is the easiest way for you to place it around your home. Initially, I kept monstera in a beautiful wicker planter in my living room and another in my bedroom. Monstera can get grow to be very larger so you want to be sure to choose a planter with enough space.

Planters & Propagation
As a plant mom, I love versatile and stylish plants. Monstera are great in planters but did you know they’ll live in water? Water is the simplest way of propagating your Monstera Deliciosa! Fill a glass or jar with water, place the cutting in, and replace the water every few days. To reduce the chance of stem rot, try to keep only the aerial roots in the water and suspend the stem out of the water. Via MonsteraGuide
Tips For Growth
Keep that monstera out of direct sunlight so you won’t burn the leaves. Always remember to change out your water or water your soil each week. Monstera live in moist and humid areas so we want to give them a similar environment.